Wednesday, September 8, 2010

hearts and brains..

I ‘ve always believed , that the best novels were never written , partially coz they were never completed..
And the ones those were completed only carried a fraction of what the author wanted to say…
That’s why people say , reality is more stranger than fiction..
                                      The heart and brain story
There’s this thing about the heart and brain , though they find acquaintance in the same place , yet they play and mock each other , play cruel games on each other , inhuman to say the least…and who suffers in their conflict , is the man who nurtures them…
Even though you read and hear about their cruelty  everywhere , you still believe them , you think they wont betray you , and just then ,they leave you in tears…they leave those scars which never want to heel , and you keep scratching them , coz it fun to see yourself bleed sometimes…
They play this game of blindfold with each other , its called ‘love’ in literature..the most drastic and dramatic game ever invented ,
Sometimes the heart blindfolds the brain, holds its hands , and guides it to the the most dense of the forests , on its way it describes the journey as , through the most lush green terrains , and the most picturesque scenes one can imagine..
When they reach the forest  , the heart realises that he had been on the wrong way , scared he turns around and runs for  safety , for the dusk in nearing…
Finding himself all alone , the brain takes of the blind fold , scared , looks for the heart , in vain…
Now then they r not together any longer brains realizes , what heart called lush green was a dark jungle , so dark , that the sunlight seldom enter , and what he considered picturesque has turned into frightening terrains .. scared , they look for each other , call their names..but its nothing except echo of their of their own call ....
Lost , these two leave the man in his misery , both heart and brain who had been great friends at one point, now don’t wish to be together , heart is too ashamed of himself , of confronting himself to the brain for being so coward , and the brain is sad for it shut its senses and followed the heart…..YES , the heart ends up betraying , and the brain ends up being a fool…
Both decide to kill themselves , for they 've lost the very reason of their existence..
They take the man to the cliff , and …………
 While this is read , by someone , he doesn’t realize that his heart and brain are about to start the same game of  blindfold ……


  1. Whao!!! loved this... I mean, seriously, I wasn't expecting this to be so great... count me in you all time FAN-List!!! :D
    I don't think there is anything else to add... you said it all - Good work bro! :D

  2. D Simile Master strikes again..who else could have described this feeling more beautifully?? Hats off to u brother...M honoured to be reading ur posts...
